Pray with Mother Marion Graham and Mother Sabina Bickersteth; and hear a word of inspiration from Apostle Sanders.
Mother Marion Graham and Mother Sabina Bickersteth are interceding in prayer for Home Missions (This prayer includes Safety in our Congregations, Financial Stability of the Church, and Mental well-being). Apostle Robert L. Sanders, Sr., the Apostle to the Women’s Auxiliaries of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, will be sharing the inspirational message of the morning.
Apostle Robert L. Sanders, Sr., a business leader, philanthropist, and pastor, began his ministry by serving as Pastor of Greater Refuge Temple of Christ, Inc., in Buffalo, NY. He later founded The Refuge Temple Education & Cultural Center, and the Refuge Temple Community Development Corporation. Apostle Sanders continues to serve in the spirit of excellence through Cross Nation, an online ministry.
Mother Marion Graham is a teacher of the Word of God and has a bachelor’s degree in Theology and Christian Education. She is a secondary school educator; the founder of DUNNET Private Christian School; the founder of the Precious Gems Rescue Mission mobile school; the founder of the Mothers Forum for Advocacy and Empowerment; and the current President of the Association of Christian Schools International (A.C.S.I). Mother Marion’s husband is District Elder Sidney Graham, the National Overseer of the Churches of our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith in Sierra Leone, which comprises seventeen branch churches and the headquarters church.
Mother Sabina Bickersteth is from Sierra Leon, Africa.